Priests Who Have Been Accused of Sexual Assault in New York
Did you suffer abuse by a priest or member of the clergy? Were you abused by any of the priests or members of the clergy listed below? You may be entitled to substantial compensation to help with your recovery.
Contact an NYC sexual abuse attorney. Greenstein & Pittari, LLP is an experienced child victims law firm. We are experts in child victims law. With the recent extension of the statute of limitations, we can help you bring those responsible for your abuse to justice by taking legal action against the abusers.
- Consultations are entirely confidential
- Cases may be filed anonymously
- No cost to investigate or file a case unless you win
Schedule a free, confidential consultation by calling Greenstein & Pittari, LLP at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462).
NY Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse
Below is a list of 500 priests who have been publicly accused of sexual assault. This information came from Bishop Accountability, a database of publicly accused priests in the United States.
As the website indicates, “The Database of Publicly Accused Priests does not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims. The reports contained in the database are merely allegations. The U.S. legal system presumes that a person accused of or charged with a crime is innocent until proven guilty. Similarly, individuals who may be defendants in civil actions are presumed not to be liable for such claims unless a plaintiff proves otherwise. Admissions of guilt or liability are not typically a part of civil or private settlements.”
- John Klebauskas (aka Klebie) , Albany, NY
- John L. Abrams, Brooklyn, NY
- Anthony Adams, Albany, NY
- Fay W. Ager, Ogdensburg, NY
- Joseph V. Agostino, Brooklyn, NY
- Bennet Akuzie, Brooklyn, NY
- John C. Albino, New York, NY
- Peter A. Allen, Rockville Centre, NY
- Paul F. Angelicchio, Syracuse, NY
- John R. Aurelio, Buffalo, NY
- William Authenrieth, Brooklyn, NY
- Daniel G. Babis, Rockville Centre, NY
- Linda Baisi, New York, NY
- Benedict P. Barszcz, Buffalo, NY
- Thomas S. Bayley, Syracuse, NY
- Juan Bazalar, New York, NY
- Donald W. Becker, Buffalo, NY
- Hugo Bedoya, Brooklyn, NY
- David G. Bentley, Albany, NY
- James J. Bergin, Rockville Centre, NY
- John Patrick Bertolucci, Albany, NY
- David W. Bialkowski, Buffalo, NY
- Robert J. Biesinger, Buffalo, NY
- Robert J. Birchmeyer, Syracuse, NY
- Robert F. Bogan, Syracuse, NY
- Dominic (Br Leopold Bokulich, New York, NY
- David L. Bonin, Rochester, NY
- Laurence Boschetto, New York, NY
- Anthony Boucher, Albany, NY
- Roger A. Bowen, Syracuse, NY
- George Boxelaar, New York, NY
- Francis V. Boyle, New York, NY
- John Joseph Brady, New York, NY
- Thomas F. Brady, Brooklyn, NY
- Timothy Brady, New York, NY
- Edward C. Brennan, Brooklyn, NY
- William G. Breslawski, Rockville Centre, NY
- Paul A. Brigandi, Syracuse, NY
- Brian J. Brinker, Rockville Centre, NY
- John W. Broderick, Albany, NY
- Robert L. Brown, Rockville Centre, NY
- William Michael Burke, Rockville Centre, NY
- Thomas W. Burr, Rochester, NY
- James Burson, Buffalo, NY
- John R. Butler, Rockville Centre, NY
- Harry J. Byrne, New York, NY
- Joseph P. Byrns, Brooklyn, NY
- Roberto Antonio Cadavid Arroyave, Brooklyn, NY
- Daniel A. Calabrese, New York, NY
- Brian F.X. Callahan, Brooklyn, NY
- Frank J. Capellupo, Brooklyn, NY
- Nicholas J. Capua, Brooklyn, NY
- Cornelius Carr , New York, NY
- Michael A. Carroll, Rockville Centre, NY
- David L. Carson, New York, NY
- Liam Casey, Albany, NY
- Daniel W. Casey, Jr., Syracuse, NY
- Albert H. Cason, Rochester, NY
- Bernard Casper, Rochester, NY
- Neil Cawlings, Albany, NY
- Charles R. Celeste, Albany, NY
- Peter Charland, Rockville Centre, NY
- Gerard J. (Jerry) Chasse, Rockville Centre, NY
- Joseph M. Clark, New York, NY
- Paul I. Cloonan, Rochester, NY
- Charles P. Coen, New York, NY
- Christopher Lee Coleman, Brooklyn, NY
- James P. Collins, Brooklyn, NY
- Felix R. Colosimo, Syracuse, NY
- Basil Peter Congro, Rockville Centre, NY
- Robert P. Conlin, Buffalo, NY
- John F. Connolly, Albany, NY
- J. Peter Conroy, Buffalo, NY
- Joseph Conti, Ogdensburg, NY
- Damian Lawrence Cooper, Rockville Centre, NY
- John W. Coppinger, New York, NY
- Paul R. Coppola, Buffalo, NY
- Thomas Corbett, Rochester, NY
- Augusto Cortez, Brooklyn, NY
- John M. Costello, Rochester, NY
- James H. Cotter, Buffalo, NY
- Harold T. Cox, Brooklyn, NY
- Michael Cronin, Albany, NY
- Donald J. Crosby, Syracuse, NY
- Anthony Curran, Albany, NY
- Gloria Czarniewicz, Rockville Centre, NY
- Edward R. D’Andrea, Rockville Centre, NY
- Herbert D’Argenio, New York, NY
- Joseph A. Degen/Degan, Ogdensburg, NY
- Michael J. Dempsey, Brooklyn, NY
- Thomas F. DeVita, Rockville Centre, NY
- Denman Dewey, Buffalo, NY
- Ralph Di Pasquale, Albany, NY
- Enrique Diaz Jimenez, Brooklyn, NY
- Almerico Dicerbo, Albany, NY
- Joseph F. DiMaggio, Albany, NY
- Angelo J. Ditta, Rockville Centre, NY
- John H. Donovan, Syracuse, NY
- Louis E. Douglas, Albany, NY
- Roy A. Drake, New York, NY
- Jaime (James) Duenas, New York, NY
- Robert O. Duford, Ogdensburg, NY
- Edmund J. Durr, Syracuse, NY
- Peter L. Duvelsdorf, Rockville Centre, NY
- Charles H. Eckermann, Syracuse, NY
- Eugene G. Emo, Rochester, NY
- Anthony Joseph Eremito, New York, NY
- Ferdinand Ermlich, Albany, NY
- Raymond J. Ethier, Albany, NY
- Donald S. Fafinski, Buffalo, NY
- Anthony J. Failla, Brooklyn, NY
- John J. Fallon, Ogdensburg, NY
- Douglas F. Faraci, Buffalo, NY
- Ronald J. Farchette, Ogdensburg, NY
- Bruce T. Favreau, Ogdensburg, NY
- Keith Fennessy, New York, NY
- Alberto Fernando, New York, NY
- Romano J. Ferraro, Brooklyn, NY
- Robert A. Ferro, Brooklyn, NY
- William E. Finger, Brooklyn, NY
- Fred G. Fingerle, Buffalo, NY
- Matthew Fitzgerald, Rockville Centre, NY
- John F. Fitzpatrick, Albany, NY
- Edward L. Franklin, Ogdensburg, NY
- Michael R. Freeman, Buffalo, NY
- Joseph P. Friel, Buffalo, NY
- Mark M. Friel, Buffalo, NY
- Dennis A. Fronczak, Buffalo, NY
- James I. J. Frost, Brooklyn, NY
- Francis J. Furfaro, Syracuse, NY
- Albin D. Fusco, New York, NY
- Thomas J. Gaffney, New York, NY
- Luke V. Gallagher, Syracuse, NY
- Alfred F. Gallant, New York, NY
- John P. Gallant , New York, NY
- Damian Galligan, New York, NY
- Vincent Gallo, Brooklyn, NY
- Angel Garcia, Albany, NY
- Otto L. Garcia, Brooklyn, NY
- Bernard A. Garstka, Syracuse, NY
- Robert Gaudio, Rochester, NY
- Frank M. Genevive, Albany, NY
- Gennaro Gentile, New York, NY
- Thomas George, Albany, NY
- Theodore M. Gillette, Ogdensburg, NY
- Edward Gilmour, Albany, NY
- Anthony J. Giuliano, New York, NY
- Lawrence Gordon, New York, NY
- Donald L. Gorman, Syracuse, NY
- Richard Gorman, New York, NY
- John Gormley, Rochester, NY
- James C. Gould, Buffalo, NY
- David N. Gramkee, Rochester, NY
- Gerard Leo Green, Buffalo, NY
- William T. Greene, New York, NY
- Thomas G. Gresock, Buffalo, NY
- Gerard J. Guli, Rochester, NY
- Anthony David Gulley, Albany, NY
- Thomas F. Guyder, Syracuse, NY
- Ladislaus Guzielek, Albany, NY
- Mark Haight, Albany, NY
- John P. Hajduk , Buffalo, NY
- Robert W. Hammond, Rochester, NY
- Michael R. Hands, Rockville Centre, NY
- James V. Hanney, Albany, NY
- John Harrington, New York, NY
- Michael J. Harrington, Buffalo, NY
- Wallace A. Harris, New York, NY
- Robert Harrison, New York, NY
- John F. Harrold, Syracuse, NY
- Kenneth C. Hasselbach, Rockville Centre, NY
- Brian M. Hatrick, Buffalo, NY
- Ferdinand A. Hattala, Syracuse, NY
- James C. Hayes, Syracuse, NY
- James P. Hayes, Buffalo, NY
- John Laurence Heathwood, Rochester, NY
- Donald J. Hebert, Syracuse, NY
- William J. Heim, Albany, NY
- Leo J. Heizman, Syracuse, NY
- Louis J. Hendricks, Buffalo, NY
- Linus Hennessy, Buffalo, NY
- Paul Kevin Hennessy, New York, NY
- Roy Herberger , Buffalo, NY
- J. Grant Higgins, Buffalo, NY
- Francis T. Hogan, Buffalo, NY
- G. Stuart Hogan, Rochester, NY
- Sylvester J. Holbel, Buffalo, NY
- Edgar M. Holihan, Syracuse, NY
- Howard J. Hubbard (Bp), Albany, NY
- Edward Huckemeyer, Brooklyn, NY
- Edgar P. Humphrey, Syracuse, NY
- Robert D. Huneke, Rockville Centre, NY
- John Hunt, Ogdensburg, NY
- Raymond A. Hyland, New York, NY
- Stanley Dominic Idziak, Buffalo, NY
- Fred D. Ingalls, Buffalo, NY
- Lawrence C. Inzeo, New York, NY
- Pascal D. Ipolito, Buffalo, NY
- Florian A. Jasinski, Buffalo, NY
- Gerald C. Jasinski, Buffalo, NY
- Robert A. Jeffers, New York, NY
- John Joseph Jenik, New York, NY
- Kenneth A. Jesselli, New York, NY
- Richard Jones, Albany, NY
- Richard P. Judd, Buffalo, NY
- Alan D. Jupin, Albany, NY
- Michael P. Juran, Buffalo, NY
- David J. Jutton, Syracuse, NY
- Richard Kammerer, Rockville Centre, NY
- Charles M. Kavanagh, New York, NY
- Thomas F. Keating, Syracuse, NY
- Paul M. Keeling, Buffalo, NY
- Brian Keller, Brooklyn, NY
- Timothy J. Kelley, Buffalo, NY
- James E. Kelly, Albany, NY
- Timothy Kelly, New York, NY
- Thomas L. Kemp, Buffalo, NY
- Edwin A. Kennedy, Ogdensburg, NY
- John M. Kennedy, Ogdensburg, NY
- Jack Kennington, New York, NY
- Christian Keogan, New York, NY
- Richard J. Keppeler, Buffalo, NY
- Joseph Keyrouze, Albany, NY
- Peter Kiarie, New York, NY
- Edward X. Kieley. Syracuse, NY
- Peter J. Kihm, New York, NY
- Robert J. Kloster, Syracuse, NY
- Theodore Kocian, Buffalo, NY
- Linus E. Kopczewski, Buffalo, NY
- Peter Kranch, Albany, NY
- Thomas L. Kreiser, New York, NY
- Morgan J. Kuhl, New York, NY
- Ralph W. LaBelle, New York, NY
- Emile G. LaLonde, Ogdensburg, NY
- C. Vincent Lane, Syracuse, NY
- James/Jaime Lara, Brooklyn, NY
- James M. Larche, Ogdensburg, NY
- Joseph E. Larrabee, Rochester, NY
- Robert J. LeFevre, Albany, NY
- Frederick D. Leising, Buffalo, NY
- John W. Lennon, New York, NY
- Edward N. Leroux, Albany, NY
- John D. Lewandowski , Buffalo, NY
- Michael M. Lewandowski, Buffalo, NY
- Richard Lewkiewicz, Brooklyn, NY
- James A. Liguori (Ligouri), New York, NY
- Steven J. Litz, Jr., Syracuse, NY
- William R. Logan, Rockville Centre, NY
- William A. Lorenz, Syracuse, NY
- Robert V. Lott, New York, NY
- John Lugowski, Syracuse, NY
- William D. Lum, Rochester, NY
- Bernard Lynch , New York, NY
- William J. Lynch, Syracuse, NY
- Bernard M (Corky) Mach, Buffalo, NY
- Edward C. “Ted” Madore, Syracuse, NY
- Joseph Maffei, New York, NY
- Finian (Robert) Magee, Rockville Centre, NY
- Daniel J. Maher, Albany, NY
- John E. Mahoney, Rockville Centre, NY
- Donald T. Malone, New York, NY
- Joseph A. Mancuso, Albany, NY
- Charles M. Mangini, Brooklyn, NY
- Arthur Manzione, New York, NY
- Francis J. Manzo, Brooklyn, NY
- Carsten P. Martensen, Rochester, NY
- Patrick H. Martin, New York, NY
- Roger M. Martin, Ogdensburg, NY
- Loville N. Martlock, Buffalo, NY
- Sister Mary Andrew, New York, NY
- Fabian Maryanski, Buffalo, NY
- Gabriel Massaro, Rockville Centre, NY
- Richard (Philip?) Mataconis, Albany, NY
- George F. Mattice, Syracuse, NY
- Edward L. Maurer, Brooklyn, NY
- Rene Maynard , Buffalo, NY
- Albert J. Mazza, New York, NY
- Theodore McCarrick, New York, NY
- Charles J. McCarthy, Rochester, NY
- John A. McCarthy, Syracuse, NY
- Thomas J. McCarthy, Buffalo, NY
- Henry J. McCloud, Brooklyn, NY
- Joseph C. McComiskey, Rockville Centre, NY
- R. Thomas McConaghy, Rockville Centre, NY
- Robert J. McConnin, Brooklyn, NY
- Richard J. McCormick, New York, NY
- James McDermott, Albany, NY
- James J. McDevitt, Albany, NY
- Charles McDonagh, New York, NY
- Herbert J. McElroy, Brooklyn, NY
- John R. McGann, Rockville Centre, NY
- John J. McGeever, Rockville Centre, NY
- Robert B. McGovern, New York, NY
- Gerald McGrath, Ogdensburg, NY
- Francis McKenna, Buffalo, NY
- Brian A. McKeon, Rockville Centre, NY
- John G. McLoughlin, Brooklyn, NY
- John McLoughlin, Brooklyn, NY
- Sean McMahon, Albany, NY
- Edward J. McNicholas, Brooklyn, NY
- John Mea, Albany, NY
- John T. Meehan, New York, NY
- Francis P. Melfe, Albany, NY
- Edward L. Melton, Rockville Centre, NY
- Roland V. Menard, Ogdensburg, NY
- Gary J. Mercure, Albany, NY
- George J. Michell, Rockville Centre, NY
- Ronald Mierzwa, Buffalo, NY
- Andrew L. Millar, Rockville Centre, NY
- James C. Miller, Rockville Centre, NY
- Michael J. Miller, Albany, NY
- Henry Mills, New York, NY
- Salvatore J. Miraglia, Rockville Centre, NY
- Chester A. Misercola, Syracuse, NY
- Vincent Mooney, Buffalo, NY
- William J. Morris, Syracuse, NY
- Thomas O. Morrow, Brooklyn, NY
- John J. “Jack” Morse, Syracuse, NY
- Robert D. Moss, Buffalo, NY
- John D. Mott, Rockville Centre, NY
- Francis X. Mulhall, Brooklyn, NY
- Joseph T. Mundy, Rockville Centre, NY
- Howard Murphy, Rockville Centre, NY
- Janice Nadeau, Rochester, NY
- Thomas E. Neary, Syracuse, NY
- Kenneth T. Nee, Rockville Centre, NY
- Francis X. Nelson, Brooklyn, NY
- Edmund W. Netter, New York, NY
- Louis I. Newman, Rockville Centre, NY
- Randolph Nowak, New York, NY
- Jeremiah Nunan, Albany, NY
- Eugene J. O’Brien, New York, NY
- John Francis O’Brien, New York, NY
- Kenneth F. O’Connell, New York, NY
- John O’Connor, Albany, NY
- John Justin O’Connor, New York, NY
- Liam O’Doherty, Ogdensburg, NY
- Michael D. O’Herlihy, New York, NY
- John O’Keefe, New York, NY
- Robert F. O’Neill, Rochester, NY
- Ben O’Reilly, Brooklyn, NY
- Thomas J. O’Rourke, Brooklyn, NY
- Anthony Ocloo, Brooklyn, NY
- Donald J. Ophals, Albany, NY
- Richard J. Orlando, Rochester, NY
- Basil A. Ormsby, Buffalo, NY
- Norbert F. Orsolits, Buffalo, NY
- Cornelius T. (Neil) Otero, Brooklyn, NY
- Robert A. Ours, Syracuse, NY
- Joseph A. Pace, Syracuse, NY
- Daniel J. Palys , Buffalo, NY
- Vincent Panepinto, Rochester, NY
- Frank J. Parisi, Rockville Centre, NY
- Edmond A. Parrakow, New York, NY
- Martin L. Pavlock, Buffalo, NY
- David J. Peter, Buffalo, NY
- Ronald P. Petroski, Brooklyn, NY
- John Phillips, Albany, NY
- Jorge Patricio Pintado Herrera, New York, NY
- Edward Pipala, New York, NY
- Lawrence Pizzutti, Albany, NY
- Alan J. Placa, Rockville Centre, NY
- Stephen Placa, Brooklyn, NY
- Albert R. Plante, Ogdensburg, NY
- Christopher Pliauplis, New York, NY
- Charles Plock, Brooklyn, NY
- Robert Post, New York, NY
- Thomas M. Powell, Syracuse, NY
- Edward C. Pratt, Albany, NY
- Adam Prochaski, Brooklyn, NY
- Albert J. Proud, Syracuse, NY
- George Puello, Albany, NY
- Robert H. Purcell, Albany, NY
- Edward George Quaid , Syracuse, NY
- Dominic Quigley, New York, NY
- Patrick W. Quigley, New York, NY
- James A. Quinn, Syracuse, NY
- James F. Quinn, Syracuse, NY
- Lawrence J. Quinn, New York, NY
- Michael Raimondo, New York, NY
- Joseph Rappl, Buffalo, NY
- Charles A. Ribaudo, Rockville Centre, NY
- Howard J.H. Joseph Richmond, Brooklyn, NY
- Brendan P. Riordan (Reardon), Rockville Centre, NY
- Louis J. (Luis) Rios, New York, NY
- Dennis G. Riter, Buffalo, NY
- Bruce Ritter, New York, NY
- Salvatore (Samuel) Rodino, Albany, NY
- Esteban Rodriguez, New York, NY
- Ruben Rodriguez, New York, NY
- Foster P. Rogers, Rochester, NY
- Thomas W. Rogers, Ogdensburg, NY
- Joseph R. Romano, Albany, NY
- Brother/Salvador J. Romanus/Brocato, Brooklyn, NY
- Roy K. Ronald, Buffalo, NY
- Sean Leo Rooney, New York, NY
- James J. Rosch, Albany, NY
- James E. Russo, Brooklyn, NY
- Barry E. Ryan, Brooklyn, NY
- Robert J. Saccacio, Rockville Centre, NY
- Ronald Sajdak, Buffalo, NY
- Michael J. Salamone, Brooklyn, NY
- Michael Salerno, Brooklyn, NY
- Thomas G. Saloy, Rockville Centre, NY
- Francis L. Sammons, Syracuse, NY
- John J. Sardina, Buffalo, NY
- Richard Schaefer, Rockville Centre, NY
- Alan Scheneman, New York, NY
- Joseph E. Schieder, Buffalo, NY
- Paul R. Schnacky, Rochester, NY
- Joseph Schuck , Brooklyn, NY
- Joseph A. Schuster, Buffalo, NY
- H. Charles Sewall, Syracuse, NY
- Dennis R. Sewar, Rochester, NY
- Patrick Sexton, Brooklyn, NY
- Vincent Sforza , Brooklyn, NY
- Gerald Sharland, Ogdensburg, NY
- Dennis J. Shaw, Rochester, NY
- Gary P. Shaw, Rochester, NY
- Gerald P. Sheehan, Buffalo, NY
- Robert S. Shinos, Albany, NY
- Robert M. Shurtleff, Ogdensburg, NY
- James G. Sickler, Brooklyn, NY
- Ronald T. Silverio, Buffalo, NY
- David P. Simon, Rochester, NY
- Walter A. Sinnott, Syracuse, NY
- Herbert Skurski, Ogdensburg, NY
- Howard B. Slack, Buffalo, NY
- Paul J. Slavetskas, Syracuse, NY
- William M. Slavin, Albany, NY
- Arthur J. Smith, Buffalo, NY
- James T. Smith, Brooklyn, NY
- Gerard A. Smyczynski, Buffalo, NY
- James Smyka, Buffalo, NY
- Clatus E. Snyder, Buffalo, NY
- Protasio Soares, Brooklyn, NY
- Alfred B. Soave, Rockville Centre, NY
- James A. Spielman, Buffalo, NY
- Bernard Splawski, Buffalo, NY
- Thomas Squires, Ogdensburg, NY
- Chester S. Stachewicz , Buffalo, NY
- George J. Stack, Brooklyn, NY
- William George Stanton, Buffalo, NY
- Donald Starks, Albany, NY
- R. Mansfield Starks, Albany, NY
- John J. Steger, Rochester, NY
- Raymond V. Stegmann, Rockville Centre, NY
- Francis Stinner, New York, NY
- Robert A. Stolinski, Buffalo, NY
- Carl Stone, Ogdensburg, NY
- Harry Richard Strassberger, Buffalo, NY
- Conrad Sundholm, Rochester, NY
- James Tamburrino, New York, NY
- James (Michael) Taylor, Albany, NY
- Pauline Terese, O.S.F., Buffalo, NY
- Joseph L. Theisen (Thiesen), New York, NY
- John Thompson, Brooklyn, NY
- Donald G. Timone, New York, NY
- Robert A. Titone, New York, NY
- George W. Tobin, Ogdensburg, NY
- Michael A. Toth, Ogdensburg, NY
- Edward Townsend, C.J.M., Buffalo, NY
- Martin J. Tracy, Syracuse, NY
- Tom Trager, Brooklyn, NY
- Thomas Trane, Syracuse, NY
- Gerald Twomey, Rockville Centre, NY
- Ike Cyriacus Udegbulem, Brooklyn, NY
- Nicholas Unterstein, Rockville Centre, NY
- Carl A. Urban, Albany, NY
- Thomas J. Valenti, Rochester, NY
- Samuel J. Venne, Buffalo, NY
- Joseph J. Vogel, Buffalo, NY
- Francis H. Vogt, Rochester, NY
- Michael Volino, Rochester, NY
- Eugene Vollmer, Rockville Centre, NY
- John P. Wagner, Syracuse, NY
- David J. Walker, Syracuse, NY
- Edward J. Walker, Buffalo, NY
- William G. Ward, Buffalo, NY
- Jerome F. Weber, Syracuse, NY
- Charles M. Werth, Buffalo, NY
- Donald J. Whelan (Whalen), New York, NY
- Clark S. White , Ogdensburg, NY
- William F.J. White, Buffalo, NY
- William T. White, New York, NY
- John F. Wiley, Ogdensburg, NY
- James C. Williams, Rockville Centre, NY
- William E. Williams, New York, NY
- Dozia J. Wilson, Albany, NY
- Robert J. Winterkorn, Rochester, NY
- David E. Wisniewski, Ogdensburg, NY
- Casper G. Wolf, New York, NY
- Mark Wolski, Buffalo, NY
- Robert W. Wood, Buffalo, NY
- Paul F. Worczak, Ogdensburg, NY
- Gregory Yacyshyn, Rockville Centre, NY
- George F. Zatarga, Brooklyn, NY
- Thomas J. Zedar, Syracuse, NY
- John M. Zeder, Syracuse, NY
- Vincent A. Zollo, Brooklyn, NY