Long Island School Sexual Abuse Lawyer

If you or your child was sexually abused in the Long Island school system, you may be eligible for compensation for your losses. Reach out to a Long Island school sex abuse lawyer for the help you need. 

Schools should be a place for learning and growth. Unfortunately, predators may take advantage of the school system, targeting children and stripping them of their innocence.

If you or your child suffered sexual abuse in the Long Island school system, you may be able to seek compensation with the help of a Long Island school sexual abuse lawyer. Your lawyers at Greenstein & Pittari, LLP can help you get compensation after your suffering.

Responsibility for School Sexual Abuse

When dealing with a sexual abuse claim, it’s important to find the liable party to hold them accountable for their actions. In many cases, the sexual abuser may be the one liable for the costs of your claim. That could include teachers, coaches, and other faculty members.

However, they may not be the only one liable for your losses and the suffering you or your child has experienced. Other members of the school may have failed to report the abuse, or they may have actively covered it up.

In these cases, you may be able to sue school officials and others involved with the sexual abuse. If you’re not sure who’s responsible for your claim, you may need a school sexual abuse lawyer on your side. These types of claims can be logistically and emotionally difficult. We’re here to help.

How Long Island Families Can Recover Compensation

When you or a loved one has been sexually abused by a teacher or other faculty member, you may have an opportunity to seek compensation now. For many, it can be tough to recover because of the social stigma and trauma, as well as laws that didn’t give you time to file a claim.

Now, you have more time and more chances to file a lawsuit against your abuser. Under the New York Child Victims Act, you may now file a school sexual abuse claim until you turn fifty-five. You can also act within the one-year window after the act’s passage even if you’re over the age limit. Your lawyer can help you determine deadlines and act in time for your chance at compensation.

Reach Out to a Long Island School Sex Abuse Lawyer

If you’ve been hurt because of a Long Island teacher or faculty member, you may be due compensation for your suffering. Unfortunately, it may have been hard to file a lawsuit after the abuse happened, or you may be worried about taking the right steps for your child.

That’s why you may need to seek out a lawyer from Greenstein & Pittari, LLP now for your school sexual abuse claim. Your lawyer can help you prepare a claim, and they can represent you in court if you’re struggling to face your abuser.

If you’re overwhelmed by your lawsuit, connect with a Long Island school sexual abuse lawyer for a free consultation. We can discuss your claim and help you prepare for your day in court when you call 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or fill out the online form below.

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