Child Sexual Abuse at Boarding Schools

Child sexual abuse at New York boarding schools is not an isolated problem. It is an epidemic that has been happening for decades. News reports, allegations and investigations have detailed sexual abuse at the following New York boarding schools:
  • The Gow School: Thomas Simmeth, Michael Holland
  • Storm King School: Henry Alvarez
  • Green Meadow Waldorf School: John Alexandra
  • Trinity-Pawling School: Livingston Cole, Richard Wyland
  • Emma Willard School: Brian Davidson, Alan Buck, Patricia Kelly, Scott Sargent, Scott Barton, Mark Johnson, Fred Moon, Graham Marlette, Malcolm Bird, Bernie Weinraub

Students Are Vulnerable to Child Abuse

Students at boarding schools are especially vulnerable to child sexual abuse because they live in a closed environment away from their families. Students develop close relationships with their teachers, staff members & coaches. Students spend much unsupervised time with their teachers, staff members & coaches. Child sexual abuse also occurs at boarding schools when older students prey on younger, vulnerable students.
Although child sexual abuse is a crime, many boarding schools choose to look the other way instead of contacting the police. Boarding schools choose to protect their reputation instead of the students in their care. These boarding schools are just as guilty as the abusers and they must be held accountable.
A boarding school can be held liable for child sexual abuse if the school fails to investigate allegations of child sexual abuse. A boarding school can be held liable for child sexual abuse if the school fails to report allegations of child sexual abuse. A boarding school can be held liable for child sexual abuse if the boarding school fails to enact policies, procedures and training to prevent child sexual abuse. A boarding school can be held liable for child sexual abuse if it fails to enforce policies to prevent child sexual abuse. A boarding school can be held liable for child sexual abuse if the boarding school fails to supervise their employees.

Contact Greenstein & Pittari, LLP

If you or a loved one have been a victim of child sexual abuse at a boarding school, contact the New York Boarding School Child Sexual Abuse attorneys at Greenstein & Pittari, LLP. Our firm’s motto is “Don’t Be A Victim Twice”.  Schedule a confidential consultation with the New York Boarding School child sexual abuse lawyers at Greenstein & Pittari, LLP. The call is free. The consultation is free. You don’t pay us unless we are successful. That’s our “Our Fee Guarantee: No Fee Unless Successful!”

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