Workplace injuries happen every year in Yonkers due to the negligence of others. An injured worker can sustain permanent injury or death as a result of this negligence. An injured worker could suffer lost wages and exorbitant medical bills. An injured worker is forced to endure months, if not years, of extensive rehabilitation to recover from the injuries they sustained
While Workers’ Compensation benefits may help an injured worker with a portion of their economic damages, such as lost wages and medical bills, it does not provide compensation for your pain and suffering.  A Yonkers Workplace Injury Lawyer can help an injured worker recover compensation for their pain and suffering from the property owners, general contractors, sub-contractors, and other parties responsible for the injuries sustained by an injured worker.
Workplace injuries occur due to several causes:
  • Defective/Improper equipment
    • Nail Gun misuse
    • Gas explosions
    • Saw injuries
    • Electrical shock
    • Crane malfunction
  • Falls from a height
    • Scaffold falls
    • Ladder falls
    • Falls from roofs
  • Failure to provide safety equipment
    • Hard hats
    • Goggles
    • Boots
    • Scaffolding
    • Lifelines
    • Harnesses
If you sustain a workplace injury you need Yonkers Workplace Injury Lawyers with an office in Yonkers. Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP has an office located at 944 North Broadway, Yonkers, New York.
If you or a loved one suffered a workplace injury as a result of the negligence of others, the Yonkers Workplace Injury Law Firm of Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can help. The Yonkers Workplace Injury Attorneys at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP are skilled at handling accidents involving injuries on the job. Our firm’s motto is “Don’t Be A Victim Twice”.  If you are a victim of a workplace accident, call 1-800-VICTIM2 (1-800-842-8462) today to schedule a confidential consultation with the Yonkers Workplace Injury Attorneys at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP. The call is free. The consultation is free. You don’t pay us unless we are successful.  That’s our “Our Fee Guarantee – No Fee Unless Successful

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