Frequently Asked Questions for Personal Injury Attorneys

At Greenstein & Pittari, LLP, we are regularly asked questions about personal injury in NYC by clients who have been injured in an accident, slipped and fell, or suffered due to the negligence of someone else. We always encourage clients to schedule a consultation to discuss the particulars of their case. In the meantime, here are a few of our answers to some frequently asked questions.

What should I do right after my accident?

The most important thing is to stay safe so you are not reinjured. Next, you should call the police and begin documenting everything you can about the scene of the accident. Take pictures, write down notes, and get information from the other driver (if there was one) and any witnesses so they can be contacted later on.

Do I have to see a doctor?

You certainly should. In order for a personal injury in NYC to warrant filing an injury claim, you need to be under the care of a physician. Simply saying that you were hurt is not enough because if you do not need to see a doctor, how bad can your injury really be? Plus, visiting a doctor is in your best interest. They will be able to identify internal injuries and even brain damage that you may be unaware of.

Who will pay for my expenses?

If your car was damaged or you need to go to the doctor, your insurance company should pay for it. Just be sure to open an accident claim first.

How can I tell if I have a personal injury case?

In general, you have a case if you were physically harmed due to the action or inaction of someone else. For example, if you were hit in a car accident, you could have a personal injury claim. If you were in an accident because you ran into a pole in the parking lot, you would not have a claim unless the accident was caused by negligence on behalf of the parking lot owner.

What is negligence?

Negligence is the legal term for fault. With a personal injury in NYC, someone has to be found at fault in order for there to be a case. Even if you contributed to the accident, you could still have a claim so long as the other party was more responsible than you.

Do I have to file my injury claim right away?

It is certainly wise to do so. In New York, you have three years to file a personal injury claim. Most people think that three years is a long time, but it isn’t when you are undergoing various procedures or even surgeries to become well again. Filing your claim quickly will ensure that you do not accidentally exceed the statute of limitations.

Why should I hire an attorney for a personal injury?

Simply put, the other side will have one. When you file your personal injury claim, you will be going up against highly-trained insurance attorneys whose job is to minimize how much the insurance company pays out. They are good at what they do and if you try to represent yourself, your inexperience could create a situation where you are taken advantage of. By hiring an attorney, you know that you will be treated fairly, that you will receive the best legal advice, and that you will have the best opportunity to receive a good settlement offer.

Do I have to go to court?

Not necessarily. Whether or not a personal injury ends up in a courtroom depends on several factors. If the insurance company is willing to negotiate with your attorney and they give you a fair offer, there is no need to take it further. If they are treating you unfairly, denying your request for certain medical care, or trying to blame you for the accident, you will likely end up in court.

What is my claim worth?

This is a highly subjective question, but in general, the value of your claim is made up of the cost to repair your vehicle, any wages you have lost due to time off work or an inability to continue with your current job and medical bills you have accrued and are likely to accrue in the future. We can provide you with a more detailed answer after discussing your case in person.

Can a minor file a personal injury claim?

If a minor has suffered a personal injury in NYC, they have the right to an attorney and to have their case heard, just like an adult would. The only difference is that a minor cannot enter a legal contract, so a parent or guardian would have to retain the attorney and agree to any settlement terms on their behalf.

For more detailed answers about these frequently asked questions about personal injury in NYC, call 1 (800) 842-8462 or click here to schedule a free consultation. When it comes to personal injury, experience matters. We have it and will put that experience to work for you.[/fusion_text][/three_fourth]

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