New York City Erb’s Palsy Lawyer
Erb’s palsy will permanently affect the mobility of any child born with it. This condition is not inherited, but is instead the result of an injury sustained during the birthing process.
Often, birth injuries such as Erb’s palsy, fractures and forcep injuries is the result of a doctor’s negligence and is justification for a medical malpractice lawsuit.
If your child suffered a birth injury due to the negligence of a doctor or someone else, your family deserves to be compensated for it. The condition is likely to cause a variety of significant expenses that range from medical treatments to physical therapy and more.
This is not a financial burden that your family should have to endure. If your child has suffered a birth injury resulting in Erb’s palsy, speak with a New York City Birth Injury lawyer to discuss your options for financial compensation.
What Is Erb’s Palsy?
Erb’s palsy occurs when there is an injury to the nerves that surround the shoulder. This condition is associated with either a weakness in the arm or total paralysis of the arm.
A child with Erb’s palsy will have a few easily recognizable symptoms:
- Weakness in the arms
- Loss of mobility
- Limited feeling in the affected arm
- Inability to rotate the upper body
Some people only experience weakness in their upper arm while others have a complete inability to move the arm altogether. Some patients experience paralysis of the hand.
The degree of Erb’s palsy that your child has will influence the amount of financial compensation that is eventually awarded to your family.
Causes of Erb’s Palsy
There are a number of risk factors that may lead to an injury that causes Erb’s palsy, including having gestational diabetes, delivering a baby over 8 pounds 13 ounces, a shorter than average mother, and a prolonged delivery.
The injury itself can be caused by any number of things during the birthing:
- Being pulled too aggressively out of the birth canal
- The baby’s head and neck being pulled to the side as the shoulders exit the birth canal
- Breech birth (born feet first)
- Complication after a clavicle fracture
Proving Negligence
If your doctor did not provide you with the appropriate warnings prior to or during delivery, he or she could be negligent.
The physician’s actions during the birth itself are the most likely cause of the injury. Demonstrating this through evidence and expert medical testimony will be essential for proving the physician’s responsibility. Speak with your New York Erb’s palsy lawyer as soon as possible to begin the process of proving negligence.
Medical Malpractice and the Statute of Limitations
In New York, the statute of limitations for medical malpractice is two years and six months from the date of an injury. You must file your claim before the statute is reached, or your case could be thrown out without a verdict being rendered.
It takes time to build a strong case, so contact a New York City Erb’s palsy lawyer as soon as you become aware of your child’s condition.
Contact a New York City Attorney
Your child may need physical therapy, regular medical care, a tendon transplant, or some other surgery in order to recover. When a doctor’s carelessness was responsible, you should not have to pay for the results.
Call 1-800-VICTIM2 (1-800-842-8462) to schedule a free consultation. A knowledgeable New York City Erb’s palsy lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can explain your options to you and help you receive financial compensation for your child’s condition.