NYC Mesothelioma Lawyer
Even years after being exposed, asbestos cancer can develop rapidly and put your health, future, and finances at risk. Find out how to get a settlement by working with an NYC mesothelioma lawyer.
Getting compensated for injuries at work can be difficult, but dealing with injuries that don’t manifest symptoms for years to come is harder yet. Asbestos was used for many purposes for over a century, and New York is one of the states most affected by the rapid form of cancer known as mesothelioma that asbestos causes. The most visible and heart-wrenching of these victims are the 9/11 first responders and cleanup crews that are dying from even more rapid variants.
If you have been diagnosed with asbestos-related cancer, then you should discuss your case with an NYC mesothelioma lawyer from Greenstein & Pittari, LLP to hold the at-fault party responsible.
Types of Asbestos Exposure
Mesothelioma is caused by breathing in particles of asbestos, which was once widely used in buildings, usually as insulation.
People working in the industrial sector, such as construction workers, shipyard workers, and miners, often come into contact with this toxic substance. When asbestos fibers are cut, shattered, or otherwise made inhalable, workers are unnecessarily exposed. This would fall under the liability of the construction company or the manufacturer of the contaminated parts.
Some people suffer asbestos exposure simply through living in a home they thought was safe for their family. When premises liability comes into play, there are complex factors that will need to be evaluated. This could be an inspector failing to catch something, a bank or home seller ignoring a known problem, a negligent landlord, or even the construction crew and asbestos manufacturers.
Compensation for Asbestos Cancer
Regardless of how you came to suffer from mesothelioma, you deserve compensation for your medical costs, lost income, diminished enjoyment of life, and lost companionship. These are just a few of the damages that you could be able to receive a settlement for:
- Medical expenses for current and future healthcare
- Lost income and reduced earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Punitive damages may be awarded when egregious negligence or malice were involved
Your NYC mesothelioma lawyer will work with your doctors to fully assess the value of your claim so that all of your future needs are met.
Consult with an NYC Asbestos Cancer Lawyer
If you or a loved one is suffering from asbestos exposure and its effects, or if a loved one has died, you deserve fair compensation from those responsible. Before you do anything—including speaking to your insurance or the company’s representatives—you should find legal counsel to represent your interests.
The insurance might try to offer an extremely low settlement or use something you said out of context against you, so the help of an experienced attorney from Greenstein & Pittari, LLP will go a long way toward keeping them honest.
Call us at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a capable and knowledgeable NYC mesothelioma lawyer. You can also fill out the form below to set a time for us to reach you later.