Westchester Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

When you’ve been hurt in a motorcycle collision, you need to know who was at fault and how to get compensated. Get the answers you need by consulting with a Westchester motorcycle accident lawyer.

Motorcycle accidents are sometimes fatal, if not extremely serious in the injuries they cause. The worst part is how blame is usually placed on the motorcyclist because of the stereotype that riders are reckless. So what do you do when you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident that wasn’t your fault?

The first thing to do is contact a Westchester motorcycle accident lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer. The prospect of hiring a lawyer can seem like a complicated hassle, but as anyone who has been involved in this type of accident will tell you, the battle ahead without a lawyer is much worse.

An experienced personal injury attorney can help you gather all of the necessary information so that you can successfully file a claim and receive the compensation you deserve. Contrary to popular belief, the insurance companies are not on your side. They want to settle quickly and for as little money as possible. We can help you figure out the cause and fault and how much you might be eligible to receive in compensation.

Determining Cause and Fault After a Motorbike Crash

At any moment a motor vehicle accident can occur for one reason or another. Every motorist takes a risk when they get into their vehicle. When it comes to a collision involving a motorcycle, there are even more potential causes of collisions. Cars, trucks, pedestrians, and even other motorcyclists could all be responsible for causing you personal injury while riding a motorcycle.

As mentioned, the stereotype that motorcyclists are reckless is the insurance company go-to when it comes to determining cause and fault. Your Westchester motorcycle accident lawyer will investigate the scene and collect the necessary evidence to expose that tactic for the fraud that it is.

You might be wondering what it even means to be at fault. The simple definition is that fault indicates who was responsible for causing the motorcycle wreck, but it goes much deeper than that. New York is considered a no-fault state, meaning that regardless of fault, an insurance company will pay drivers for the medical costs associated with their injuries.

Unfortunately, this no-fault statute doesn’t apply to motorcyclists. This means that it’s incredibly important to work with an experienced Westchester motorcycle accident lawyer who can build a case that clearly demonstrates the other side’s negligence while minimizing your own.

Building a Case for Your Motorcycle Collision Compensation

Once your Westchester motorcycle accident lawyer has ensured that you were not at fault for the accident, we can move on to investigating who was. Potential persons at fault may include any of the following:

  • The other motorist who hit you, regardless of the vehicle he or she was driving
  • Construction workers who left their roadwork site disorderly and caused your accident
  • Trucking companies and their drivers if you were involved in a crash with a semi or delivery vehicle; or if their cargo came loose and caused your wreck
  • The city or state government if the road conditions were unsafe and you were following traffic laws
  • Your motorcycle’s manufacturer if it’s discovered that there was faulty equipment, parts, or tires on your bike

Your lawyer will determine fault by investigating the scene, interviewing you and others involved—including bystanders—and any other measures necessary to proceed with your claim and move on to compensation.

What Is My Motorbike Accident Claim Worth?

When you begin the personal injury process with a Westchester motorcycle accident lawyer, he or she can go in depth with you about what will be included in your claim and give you a better estimate of the amount of compensation you will receive.

Elements that should be included in your final settlement amount may include any of the following that apply to your case:

  • Medical bills, both current and future
  • Pain and suffering
  • Rehabilitation or physical therapy
  • Decreased overall quality of life
  • Damages and repairs to your motorcycle
  • Medical equipment and prosthetics
  • Emotional distress

Your lawyer is sure to include any and everything in your claim to ensure that you are compensated properly. Our goal is to enable you to recover from the accident and get back to a normal life.

Contact a Westchester Motorcycle Crash Attorney

You can’t be expected to deal with the negative repercussions of a motorcycle accident in Westchester County alone. Your best bet to come out on top of the barrage of insurance jargon, medical bills, legal proceedings, and all of the other moving parts that come with this type of accident is to hire a Westchester motorcycle accident lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer. Call us at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462), visit us at our Westchester office location, or complete the form below to schedule a free consultation.

Westchester Motorcycle Crash Attorney

Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP
73 Market Street STE 300, Yonkers, NY 10710, United States
Phone: (888) 842-8462

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