Manhattan Dog Bite Lawyer

If you were attacked by a canine and suffered serious injuries, you can hold the dangerous animal’s owner accountable. Find out how by working with a Manhattan dog bite lawyer.

In a busy borough like Manhattan, it’s likely that you see numerous dogs throughout the day and all over the city. Even if you don’t interact with these dogs, you may have friends or family with dogs that you see frequently.

At any given time, one of these dogs could bite you and cause serious injury. These types of cases can be tough to handle, not only from a legal standpoint, but also from a personal one: In many cases, the dog that attacked you belongs to someone you know.

Greenstein & Pittari, LLP can make both the legal process and the personal interactions easier by acting as your advocate and go-between. An experienced Manhattan personal injury lawyer from our firm can walk you through the entire personal injury claim process so that you can recover the full compensation necessary for your recovery.

About Your Dog Bite Claim

A dog bite claim is often a type of premises liability claim, and there are specific legal considerations that need to be observed as a result. First is the statute of limitations. In the state of New York, you have three years from the date of the canine attack to file your personal injury claim. If you attempt to file outside of this statute of limitations, your case will be dismissed without being heard.

Additionally, your dog bite lawyer will need to prove that you were lawfully allowed to be on the property where the dog bit you. The dog’s owner might attempt to claim that you were attacked by the canine because you were trespassing or because you provoked the animal. This can result in a premises liability law suit.

If the dog has a prior history of biting, then under New York law, it will likely be considered a “dangerous dog.” This means that even if the owner took precautions to restrain the animal, he or she will still be responsible for any injuries and medical bills caused by it.

Full Compensation for Canine Attack Injuries

Once the information from your case is gathered, you and your attorney can assess the full value of your injury claim. Getting mauled by a dog can lead to a number of losses, some of which are financial while others represent your lost quality of life:

  • Medical bills, including current and future expenses
  • Rehabilitative therapy if your recovery requires it
  • Lost wages, including any diminished earning potential
  • Non-economic damages, including pain and suffering, emotional distress, broken bones, disfigurement, loss of consortium, and more

Contact a Manhattan Dog Attack Lawyer

Even if it the injuries seem minor, a dog bite can result in a world of stress when it comes to the legal process of filing a claim. Greenstein & Pittari, LLP can help you through this process and onto the full compensation you deserve. We won’t allow a negligent dog owner and his or her attorney to take advantage of you and leave you paying out of pocket for your losses.

Contact us today for a free consultation with a Manhattan dog bite lawyer. Get started by completing the form below or by calling us directly at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462).

Find a Manhattan Dog Bite Lawyer Office Below: 

Address: 1825 Park Ave, New York, NY 10035

Phone: (212) 685-8500

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