
Greenstein and Milbauer

Slip and Fall Accident Claims

August 21, 2015

A slip and fall accident can cause serious, even catastrophic, injuries. Although slip and fall claims are a somewhat common form of premises liability, they are not always simple. Commercial and residential property owners may be liable for injuries suffered in a fall on their premises, but only under certain circumstances. The main elementin a ... Read More

Greenstein and Milbauer

Tripped Over a Raised Threshold at a Store

August 19, 2015

If you trip and fall over a raised threshold at a store and are injured, you might have a strong personal injury claim against the store owners. A successful claim could provide you with money to pay for medical expenses and income you lost missing work due to your injury. What You Must Prove This ... Read More

Greenstein and Milbauer

The Differences Between Civil and Criminal Litigation

August 18, 2015

The U.S. legal system is split into two types of litigation: civil and criminal. “Litigation” refers to the process for handling disputes through the court system. Who Files Civil and Criminal Cases? The first difference between civil and criminal cases involves who can file the case in court. In a civil case, a wronged party ... Read More

Greenstein and Milbauer

Personal Injury Lawsuit After Dog Attack

August 10, 2015

Every state has slightly different dog bite liability laws. Most states have enacted a statute about dog bite liability that overrides the common law regulations about dog attacks. New York is unique because it mixes the old, traditional common law rule with a new statutory rule. Common Law: The “One Free Bite” Rule Common law ... Read More

Greenstein and Milbauer

Fingers Broken by a Dumpster: Do I Have a Case?

August 6, 2015

If you break your fingers using a dumpster, can you sue for damages? Well, as in all personal injury cases, the answer depends on whose carelessness or negligence caused the injury. Whether the dumpster was at a rental property, construction site or your workplace, the questions you need to ask are the same. Did the ... Read More

Greenstein and Milbauer

Can a Crime Victim be Reimbursed for Counseling Services in NY?

August 5, 2015

Being victimized in any fashion is an unsettling experience. Victims of crime often find that the trauma causes long-lasting effects such as depression, anxiety and panic attacks. If you need mental health counseling after falling victim to a crime, can you seek legal action to be compensated for the expense? In many cases, you can. ... Read More

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