Brooklyn Slip-and-Fall Lawyer

When negligent property owners leave their grounds in unsafe conditions, visitors can get hurt. If this is how you were injured, a Brooklyn slip-and-fall lawyer will help you get the compensation that you deserve for what you’ve been through.

Your day starts off normally, and you head off to work, stopping in for a coffee along the way. As you enter the coffee shop, you slip on a patch of ice and strike your head. Suddenly, your successful work day turns into a concussion and two weeks in the hospital. These and other similarly tragic scenarios happen to thousands of Americans throughout the country every year.

Both a slip-and-fall and a trip-and-fall accident can cause serious harm, and often happens as a direct result of someone else’s negligence. A qualified Brooklyn slip-and-fall lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can help you seek compensation if you have experienced a fall injury. You don’t have to accept the minimum an insurance company is willing to offer; we’ll make certain you get a fair and full settlement.

The Most Common Reasons for a Trip-and-Fall

Slip-and-fall accidents occur for a long list of reasons, but are usually directly influenced by a slippery walking surface or similar problem. In the northern United States, falls are far more common in the winter when ice and snow can make surfaces extremely slippery. But accidents do occur outside of winter, too, and they could be caused by any of the following:

  • Loose or uneven flooring
  • Cluttered floor spaces
  • Unmarked wet floors

Other common causes of a trip-and-fall accident include small objects or pets that obstruct your view or pathway and any other obstacles, such as broken stairs and tools that have been left out.

In each of these scenarios, the fault would most likely belong to the building owner, who is required to salt the walkway, clear out obstacles, and ensure visitor safety at all times. You need a qualified Brooklyn slip-and-fall lawyer on your side to ensure that your case includes all of the necessary evidence to demonstrate the fault of the responsible party.

The Impact of Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Even though a fall can seem relatively minor, the after-effects and injuries caused by the fall can be devastating. Fractures are the most serious consequences of falls and occur in 5% of all people who fall.

Delayed internal injuries do sometimes occur, and may necessitate surgery, a cast (such as with buckle fractures in the wrist), and even extensive time off from work. Add to this quickly accumulating medical bills and your savings can quickly dwindle down, placing you deeply in debt and overwhelmed.

The impact of this type of accident is precisely why the courts provide a method for you to seek compensation. A Brooklyn trip-and-fall lawyer can investigate the details of your accident, put together a rock-solid case with the available evidence, and ensure that you stand the best chance of receiving a successful judgment in court.

Determining Who’s at Fault

In slip-and-fall accidents, it isn’t always easy determining who is at fault. In most cases, the person to blame for what happened isn’t going to willingly accept responsibility for it. This means that an attorney will need to investigate and help you determine who was to blame.

By determining precisely who was responsible and how, you will be able to name all at-fault parties in your personal injury lawsuit, thereby ensuring that you maximize your potential compensation. Some of the people or entities who might be at fault for your premises liability accident are listed below:

  • Retailer
  • Neighbor
  • Apartment building owner
  • City or local government
  • Construction crew

When it comes to slip-and-falls, determining who was to blame and exactly how much compensation they owe you can be the most difficult part of the legal process. Fortunately, a Brooklyn slip-and-fall lawyer with experience in these types of cases can advise and represent you throughout the entire process.

A Brooklyn Trip-and-Fall Lawyer Can Help

A premises liability accident can be difficult to manage alone, especially when you are already dealing with your recovery and its effect on your life. Because of this, it’s best to have an experienced Brooklyn slip-and-fall lawyer on your side to represent your best interests.

If you have been injured and you believe someone else was at fault—whether that person is your next-door neighbor, property owner, or retailer—you shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences alone. An experienced attorney from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP may be able to help you receive a monetary settlement to alleviate some of the stress and enable your recovery. Call us immediately at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or fill out the form below to get started and schedule your free case evaluation.

Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP
41 Flatbush Ave 1st floor, Brooklyn, NY 11217
(646) 850-2601


Slip & Fall Quick Facts, NFSI

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