Long Island Priest Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Have you or your child suffered sexual abuse because of a priest? Reach out for a Long Island priest sexual abuse attorney who can help you take action against the liable party.

We put a lot of trust in religious leaders, but sometimes, they may be predators and abusers. You may have suffered firsthand because of this, leaving you to deal with the mental and physical trauma of priest sexual abuse.

At Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, we take these claims seriously, and we want to help. Reach out for a Long Island priest sexual abuse lawyer if you’ve been abused and need help getting compensation for your damages.

Liability for Priest Sexual Abuse on Long Island

If you’ve been sexually abused by a priest or other clergy, you may be entitled to compensation from the liable party. However, you may not be sure who’s actually liable for your case. That’s especially true if time has passed after the abuse. Luckily, the New York Child Victims Act gives you new chances to sue those responsible for your suffering, as well as setting your deadline to sue at 55 years old.

Once you know you’re still eligible to sue, who can you sue? Typically, the responsibility falls on the predator for their actions.

However, they may not be the only ones included in the lawsuit. Church leaders are expected to protect the health and safety of their congregation. While New York law doesn’t require the clergy to report abuse, they could be held accountable for your suffering if they ignored priest sexual abuse or tried to cover up these allegations within their Long Island church.

Compensation for Long Island Priest Sexual Abuse

Once you’ve identified the liable party, you’ll also need to calculate the costs of your losses. They left you suffering serious mental and physical trauma, so you may be eligible for compensation for your losses.

These losses caused by your abuse, also called damages, should cover the financial and nonfinancial costs of your injuries. In priest sexual abuse claims, that often means seeking compensation for your medical care and other financial damages. However, most of your damages for sex abuse may be non-economic damages, such as mental distress and loss of enjoyment of life.

When many of your losses are intangible, it can be tough to recover without legal guidance. These losses may not have a specific monetary value like medical bills or property damage. You’ll instead need to seek compensation based on the impact of the priest sexual abuse you suffered. You may not have access to these tools without a Long Island sexual abuse attorney’s help.

Speak to a Long Island Priest Sex Abuse Lawyer

If you’ve been hurt by a priest, you might already be in a frightening, difficult position. Your trauma could affect your health mentally and physically, and it can affect you for decades after the trauma. That’s why we suggest acting now on your Long Island claim.

Your priest sexual abuse lawyer at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP has the tools and experience you need for a successful claim in the courtroom. We can even get you started with a free consultation, where we can discuss the details of your claim and what we can do to help you.

Consult with a Long Island priest sexual abuse lawyer today by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462). You can also complete the online contact form below.

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