Negotiating a Settlement for a Broken or Fractured Bone

When someone else causes your bone fracture, it’s important to seek a settlement that will meet your needs. You shouldn’t have to pay for their negligence when you’re injured. Unfortunately, they may not be willing to offer you the full settlement you deserve.

That’s why you may need a personal injury lawyer’s help when negotiating a settlement for a broken or fractured bone. At Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, we can help you understand the settlement you deserve and work to get you the funds you need to recover from your injury.

Understand Your Damages

When negotiating a settlement, one of your first steps should be understanding the damages you’re owed. When you know what your claim is worth, it’s easier to fight back and get the full settlement you deserve.

One of your first concerns may be the expenses. Your economic damages for a broken bone may be high, especially if you need surgery to repair the damage. You may also be unable to work, leaving you with less income.

You’ll also need to consider the emotional losses, or non-economic damages, you could be suffering from. Bone fractures can cause serious pain and suffering, which is tough to rebound from, as well as mental anguish and other emotional tolls.

Your lawyer can help you understand all the damages you’re facing. While your economic damages may not be as complex, they can still be overwhelming. Because your non-economic damages are intangible, you’ll also need the tools a lawyer can provide to help you calculate your claim.

Writing a Demand Letter

Once you understand the worth of your personal injury claim, you’ll be able to more easily notice when an insurer isn’t offering you a fair settlement. If they’re not offering you the full compensation you deserve, you don’t have to say yes to their offer.

Instead, reach out for a lawyer’s help writing a demand letter. In your letter, you’ll detail what damages you’ve suffered, as well as the compensation you’re owed for those damages. You’ll then present the letter to the insurance company in response to their offer.

In many cases, this step may quickly get you the settlement you need. The insurance company may simply agree to your terms and give you the funds you need for recovery. If they refuse, talk to your lawyer about fighting back in court.

Let Your Lawyer Help with a Broken Bone Claim

When you’ve suffered a broken bone, don’t accept a settlement the insurance company offers just because it sounds like enough. Instead, seek out a lawyer for help negotiating a settlement for a broken or fractured bone that actually meets your needs.

At Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, we understand that you’re suffering because of your bone fracture, but we’re here to help. Seek us out for a free consultation, and we’ll help you ensure you get the full compensation you deserve for your claim, even if that means taking your claim to court.

Ready to fight back when the insurance company isn’t making a reasonable offer? Reach out by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or by completing the following online form.

Find a NYC personal Injury lawyer office below:

Address: 1825 Park Ave, New York, NY 10035
Phone: (212) 685-8500

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