NYC Clergy Abuse Lawyer
Were you abused by a member of the clergy? You may have new options for seeking compensation. Reach out to a NYC lawyer for help with your abuse case.
In the early 2000s, reports of thousands of cases of abuse by clergy members began to emerge throughout the U.S. and in many other countries. Sadly, although many people stood up to this abuse, there are still many families and children have suffered and have been unable to file a lawsuit.
If you’re a sex abuse victim who hasn’t been able to take action, an NYC clergy abuse lawyer may be able to help. With recent changes to New York law, your lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP is prepared to look into your case and explain your options for restitution.
Changes to New York Laws on Sex Abuse
For many people, taking action within New York’s original time limits wasn’t an option. New York gave victims’ families five years to file. Between the traumatic effects and potential pressure from the Catholic Church, that means many people weren’t able to or didn’t feel safe enough to act within that time frame.
Now, laws are changing the options for many victims who were abused by the clergy. Now, even if your sexual abuse happened years ago, you may now have a chance to act for your compensation. The time limits for filing your claim have been extended, which means you may now be able to act with the help of an attorney in New York.
Building a Claim against a Clergy Member
Victims of clergy abuse are likely concerned with proving the suffering they’ve been through. A decade or more may have passed since your abuse, which can make gathering physical evidence difficult, if not impossible. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t have opportunities for recovery.
Instead, other evidence may be available for your case. For example, the clergy member who abused you may have been accused of abuse by other people. This can be extremely helpful, especially if the abuse allegations happened around the same time.
You may also have testimony from other members of the church, which can support your claims. If they’re willing to come forward about your abuse, that’s one more piece of crucial evidence that can work in your favor. Your NYC abuse attorney can investigate your case and work to collect every bit of evidence that could help.
Consult a NYC Lawyer About Clergy Abuse
Many people have suffered through sexual abuse by the clergy, and that abuse likely had a lasting and devastating impact on your life. Worse, you may have believed for some time that you didn’t have a chance to fight back and obtain the justice you deserve.
Fortunately, as the laws around child sexual abuse change, you have more options to recover compenstion for your suffering and hold your abuser to account. At Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, we understand how difficult this can be for the victim, both emotionally and legally. Fortunately, we have the resources you need to seek out fair compensation and a sense of closure.
Ready to get started? Reach out to your NYC clergy abuse lawyer for help. We offer free, confidential, and no-obligation consultations to abuse victims across NYC. Start the process by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or by completing the online form below.